Friends of water
Water is bountiful in Iceland. In a country with no precious metals or minerals the abundance of water and geothermal energy enriches the land. This unique resource is present in myriad forms - flowing, falling, geothermal, glacial - and in the guise of steam, liquid or ice.
Vatnavinir promotes water and health related tourism for the whole of the country. We have developed concepts through our Wellness Country Iceland vision for geothermal centres across the country integrating wellness and nature with the therapeutic effect of thermal bathing. This experience is further integrated and enriched by the experience of unique nature, culture and outdoor activities as well as education and training events.
Vatnavinir aims to give fresh impetus to collaborative local initiatives for sustainable economic regeneration.
Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2011
The four other winners nominated by the LOCUS Foundation are Carmen Arróspide Poblete for the Association “Patronato de cultura de Machupicchu”,Anna Heringer, Shlomo Aronson and Teddy Cruz.
Press release: Global-Award_2011_Press-Release